News Archive
Research Results:
Talk and Course Announcements:
- ECON 2099, Fall 2017: You too can be a market designer! (8/20/17)
- ECON 2099, Fall 2015: You too can be a market designer! (8/27/15)
- I [taught] a mini-course on "Market Design Approaches to Inequality" at the 2013 Summer School on Socioeconomic Inequality. (7/1/13)
- I [spoke] on "Designing for Diversity in Matching," my joint work with Tayfun Sönmez, at the 2013 American Economic Association Meetings. (12/12/12)
- I [presented] "A Theory of Empty Voting and Hidden Ownership," my new joint work with Jordan Barry and John Hatfield, at Harvard Law School [in Fall 2012]. (8/22/12)
- I [spoke] on "Matching with Slot-Specific Priorities," my new joint work with Tayfun Sönmez, at several conferences [in Summer 2012]. (6/2/12)
- I [spoke] on "Matching with Slot-Specific Priorities" at the Inaugural Meeting of the Measuring and Interpreting Inequality Working Group. (1/2/12)
- I [presented] "Holdout in the Assembly of Complements" at the 2012 American Economic Association Meetings. (11/11/11)
- I [taught] a graduate seminar on "Topics in Matching and Market Design" [in Winter 2012]. (10/7/11)
- I [presented] on "Stability and Competitive Equilibrium in Matching Markets with Transfers" at the Stanford Graduate School of Business Economics Seminar on October 19, 2011. (10/1/11)
- I [presented] "Stability and Competitive Equilibrium in Trading Networks" (the five-author paper) at the American Economic Association Meetings. (10/20/10)
- I [gave] the Vassar College Mathematics Colloquium, on "Frontiers of Matching Theory." (10/10/10)
- I [presented] "Concordance among Holdouts" (joint work with E. Glen Weyl) in May at the HBS Market Design Workshop. (2/26/10)
- I [presented] on "Matching in Networks with Bilateral Contracts" (joint work with John William Hatfield) in early January, at the Stanford Market Design Workshop. (1/11/10)
- I [presented] on "Solving the Holdout Problem" (joint work with E. Glen Weyl) in early November -- at both the Harvard Law & Economics Seminar and the Harvard Graduate Student Political Economy Workshop. (10/13/09)
- I [presented] my work on sticky content at the 2009 Workshop on The Economics of Networks, Systems, and Computation (NetEcon'09). (6/10/09)
- I [presented] my work on matching with preferences over colleagues at the Inaugural Boston Undergraduate Research Symposium. (3/24/09)
- I [presented] my work on dynamic position auctions at The 5th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM 2009). (3/17/09)
- Prof. Noam D. Elkies [spoke] on our joint work on at the Quadratic Forms Conference at the University of Florida, Gainesville. (3/2/09)
- I [taught] two classes at Spark 2009 (an educational series run by MIT's Educational Studies Program and co-directed by this guy). (2/7/09)
- I [presented] my work on endogenous network formation at the AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings on January 7, 2009. (10/16/08)
- I [presented] my work on dynamic position auctions at the Harvard SEAS Econ/CS Research Seminar on November 4, 2008. (9/30/08)
- I [presented] my work on configurations of extremal even unimodular lattices at the MathFest 2008 Student Paper Session on August 1, 2008. (6/15/08)
- Office hours can now be booked via online calendar. (8/8/16)
- I [co-organized] the Third Conference on Auctions, Market Mechanisms and Their Applications (AMMA'15). (1/5/15)
- I [co-organized] the Jerusalem School in Economic Theory on Matching and Market Design. (1/13/14)
- I [was] awarded the Center for Excellence in Education Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement in STEM and Business. (10/16/13)
- Eric Budish, Ali Hortaçsu, Nicole Immorlica, and I received an NSF Interface between Computer Science and Economics & Social Sciences (ICES) Grant. (9/1/12)
- I [co-organized] "Matching Problems: Economics meets Mathematics," a Becker Friedman Institute/Stevanovich Center conference held June 4-6, 2012. (3/14/12)
- I [co-organized] a "Matching and Price Theory" conference, held May 6-7 at the Milton Friedman Institute. (3/1/11)
- [In] Fall [2011], I [began] a Research Scholar position at the Becker Friedman Institute for Research in Economics at the University of Chicago. (12/10/10)
- Success with Science: The Winners' Guide to High School Research, which I coauthored with Shiv Gaglani and others, [has been published by] Research Corporation for Science Advancement. (10/28/10)
- I have been selected for the Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges Program. For more information, see the press release. (5/5/10)
- I was awarded the Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student. For more information, see the press release and citation. (1/14/10)
- I was awarded the Thomas Temple Hoopes Prize for my undergraduate thesis, "Weighted Generating Functions and Configuration Results for Type II Lattices and Codes." (5/15/09)
- One of my problem proposals just appeared as Problem 7 of the 2009 American Invitational Mathematics Exam (II). (4/2/09)
- My paper on judicial salary erosion was cited in Richard Posner's new book. (10/24/08)
- Giarratani, Gruver, and Jackson have recently responded to My EDQ Comment. (8/25/08)
- I was awarded the Robert Fletcher Rogers Prize for my "C=15" Math Table talk. (5/30/08)