Selected Research

Economics (see all):

Mathematics (see all):

Musicology (see all):

  • Leonard Bernstein's Doodles: Reading Outside the Lines at the Library of Congress. (Journal of the Society for American Music 3(1), (2009), pp. 26-33. (As an appendix to Leonard Bernstein's Jewish Boston: Cross-Disciplinary Research in the Classroom by Carol J. Oja and Kay Kaufman Shelemay.)) (Originally presented as "Leonard Bernstein's Doodles: Grasping Genius Through Graphology" at Leonard Bernstein, Boston to Broadway: Concerts and Symposia at Harvard University, October 14, 2006.)

Current Affiliations: Harvard Business School, Harvard Department of Economics, Harvard Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Harvard Center for Research on Computation and Society, National Bureau of Economic Research, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group

Selected Awards: Star Family Prize for Excellence in Advising (2016), Center for Excellence in Education Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement in STEM and Business (2013), Third Place in Romanian Institute of Science and Technology "Best PhD Thesis in Computational Game Theory" Competition (2011), Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges Program Selectee (2010), AMS-MAA-SIAM Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (2010), George Caspar Homans Prize (2009), Thomas Temple Hoopes Prize (2009), First Place American Mathematical Society Karl Menger Prize (2005)